IST-ID Mission
“IST-ID, Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, is a private not-for-profit institution, which primarily aims at carrying out Science and Technology activities, fostering knowledge transfer and promoting the involvement of national and foreign researchers, both at national and international levels, in RD&I projects in their areas of expertise.
IST- ID was founded on April 18th, 2011. The statutes are available here (Statutes PDF).
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Instituto Superior Técnico (ADIST) are the founder entities of IST-ID.
IST-ID carries out RD&I activities in major areas which are associated with challenges with a strong impact on society. These are strongly interdisciplinary areas in nature crossing different fields of engineering, science and technology and architecture. The RD&I activities comprise not only fundamental aspects but also projects with a strong applied component.
About IST
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) is one of the founding associates of IST-ID and, through partnership agreements, makes available the majority of facilities where IST-ID activities are carried out. IST is the largest and most reputed school of engineering, science and technology in Portugal. Since its creation in 1911, IST mission contributes to the development of society by providing top quality higher education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as developing Research, Development and Innovation activities providing top quality teaching inline with the highest international standards. Its mission is therefore expressed in the three main attributes of a modern university: to create knowledge, to transfer skilled professionals and transfer technology to society.
IST-ID Organization
Social Entities
General Assembly Board
(Last change approved in the General Assembly of February 15th, 2024)
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Scientific Council
Scientific Council (
Executive Board of the SC
The inherent members
The inherent members of the Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council are the diretors (since members of IST-ID Scientific Council) of the following R&D units that have IST-ID as its host institution:
Elected members
The number of elected members of IST-ID Coordinating Committee of the Scientific Council correspond to one fifth of the inherent members, but not less than two. Currently this number is seven, from the above list:
Elected effective members:
Legal Framework
Natureza Jurídica
Por Despacho n.º 10333/2022 publicado no Diário da República n.o 163/2022, Série II de 24 de agosto de 2022, foi reconhecido, para efeitos do disposto no artigo 62. o – A do Estatuto dos Benefícios Fiscais, que a atividade desenvolvida pela IST-ID é de natureza científica, pelo que os donativos concedidos ou a conceder entre 1 de janeiro de 2022 e 31 de dezembro de 2024 podem usufruir dos benefícios fiscais ali previstos, desde que os respetivos mecenas tenham a sua situação regularizada perante as Finanças e a Segurança Social.
O Despacho 1/2022 publicado no Diário da República n. o 1/2022, Série II de 3 de janeiro de 2022 atribui à IST-ID, pelo prazo de 10 anos, a partir da data de publicação do referido despacho, o Estatuto de Utilidade Pública.
Association Details
General data: