CEris – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Engenharia Civil para a Sustentabilidade

CERIS – Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability – is an FCT-registered research unit operating in the Civil Engineering area. It is hosted by the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources (DECivil) of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon (ULisboa).

In 2019, CERIS had 110 PhD members, 74 PhD collaborators and 191 collaborators without PhD, supported by 10 administrative and technical staff.

CERIS was created in 2015 through the merge of CEHIDRO (Centre of Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment), CESUR (Centre for Urban and Regional Systems) and ICIST (Institute of Structural Engineering, Territory and Construction), 3 units from the 1970s. Their merging in CERIS enhances our comprehensive thematic coverage, in depth and scope, and promotes synergies in the inherently multidisciplinary Built and Natural Environment sector, in a more integrated manner.

CERIS – Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability – is an FCT-registered research unit operating in the Civil Engineering area. It is hosted by the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources (DECivil) of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon (ULisboa).

In 2019, CERIS had 110 PhD members, 74 PhD collaborators and 191 collaborators without PhD, supported by 10 administrative and technical staff.

CERIS was created in 2015 through the merge of CEHIDRO (Centre of Hydraulics, Water Resources and Environment), CESUR (Centre for Urban and Regional Systems) and ICIST (Institute of Structural Engineering, Territory and Construction), 3 units from the 1970s. Their merging in CERIS enhances our comprehensive thematic coverage, in depth and scope, and promotes synergies in the inherently multidisciplinary Built and Natural Environment sector, in a more integrated manner.